5D Blog

Highly creative people have a gift for connecting


Highly creative people have a gift for connecting supposedly unrelated elements and ideas. They cross borders without regard for customs posts or No Trespassing signs. They throw suspension bridges across great distances. These unexpected combinations flow together beautifully in the twilight zone, where metaphor and magic rule.” Robert Moss.

A heads up! Today Mercury stations to turn retrograde in Pisces just as Mars crosses the World axis into Capricorn and both inner personal planets are at Max. And contrary to old thinking, when a planet is retrograde it’s bigger and brighter in the sky, closer to the earth…not unlike a super moon. The days surrounding the retrograde -the Trickster storm phase- can be weird, confusing and frustrating to the rational mind……or a pure gift for creatives.

In the outer world, be ready for a period of greater than normal solar activity – solar flares (M and X class), Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and geomagnetic activity (KP5 and higher). For those of who are sensitives, this can fritz your energy field so apply your usual grounding techniques . There may be power failures due to infrastructure breakdown and computer network disruptions caused by hacker attacks, software vulnerabilities or unusual weather patterns.

This is a time when usually invisible links between cause and effect might be revealed. The truth has a way of seeping out and you might put together things you've been thinking about for years. Someone might reveal something to you that changes your entire frame of reference and worldview. Mercury retrograde in limitless Pisces can be like a hall of mirrors when the invisible merges with the mundane.

Switch into Beginner’s Mind and let your imagination and intuition out to play…be guided by your Big yes or Big No.
Recognise that Source is an open morphic field and it is alive.

Send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable. Identify which Random Attractor has the most pull, the most resonance, the most click. Trust it then move forward.

Master the skill of sensing, feeling, intuiting and grokking. Break your habitual trance state - your constant inner commentary stream of negative hypnosis and repeat video loops- by realising your mind is not a camera but a projector..

Read your free February 16-23 2020 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! If you’re a path paver, creative, sensitive or solopreneur, don’t miss out on my March 5D Report:” The Bridge Across Tomorrow”, the inside look at Saturn returning to futurist Aquarius for the first time in 29 years delivering practical new tools and technologies .
Sign up at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks