5D Blog

Nothing big ever happens, good or bad, unless the floor falls out first.


“Nothing big ever happens, good or bad, unless the floor falls out first.” Jeanette le Blanc

Today, amping up the seismic Field of yesterday’s plutonic Wolf Full Moon, unpredictable and volatile Uranus turns direct at 10 Taurus just as the karmic Node of Fate returns to Taurus for the first time since May 2003.This means that fresh revolutionary and radical winds of change will be blowing through the sign of the World 3rd Eye delivering shocks, awakenings and wild card eclipses.

The Sky God has been on go-slow retrograde since August 2021-now the brakes are coming off and the rubber is ready to hit the road.

The Taurus Code and Mantra = “I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light”

Uranus in Taurus until 2026 = Universal Mind imploding into Matter

Eclipses across Taurus/ Scorpio until July 2023= evolving Mindfulness /Embodiment via some heroic healing breakthroughs

Uranus in Taurus Keywords:

break down; breakthrough; lightning strikes; disruption; revolution; universal Mind; technology expansion; electricity; flashes of insight; innovation; originality; shock; humanitarian action; radicalism; extremism; liberation; separations; mind/body splits; alienation; climate extremes.

The Sky God operates by delivering unpredictable shocks, reversals or insights that electrify you out of your comfort zone, teaching you to collaborate with the inevitable. It’s a time in your life when something new - something eccentric - needs to break through into conscious awareness.

The takeaway from these shifts is: from now on Choose the New over the Old. The option of keeping one foot in the Old and dipping a toe in the New has expired.

Essential Resources – all available in the Shop at wwww.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk:

“Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2022”

“Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026”

“Your Survive and Thrive Guide to the Chaos Nodes”

“Eclipse Strategies for 2022:” Making Eclipses Work for You”

Steve Monks