Hare in The Moon

5D Blog

Some days you’ll wonder if this will ever end.


As a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm hits the planet ahead of the Aries New Moon tomorrow, this consistently amplifying level of solar and planetary intensity can make you feel flattened physically and emotionally. Some days you’ll wonder if this will ever end. The unlayering. The emotional or physical trauma. The rawness. The soul deep exhaustion.

Like it or not, the turbulence is ongoing. Currently:

• the clustering of planets in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries between the magnetic poles of the South and North Nodes of Fate is bringing an entire hen house of karmic chickens home to roost

• the great wave of dissolution that is the once in 166 years Jupiter/Neptune merger in Pisces is only 13 days away

• the first ripples from the Taurus Solar Eclipse on April 30th are already switching off an old life, defragging you, uprooting you and nudging you to a new level of your personal evolution or unfolding

Many of us were born highly sensitive/empathic and have always deeply felt humanity’s emotional energies. For the sake of your sanity and health you’ve had to learn how to not be run-over, derailed or broken by other people’s lower frequencies just because you can feel them.

Neutrality allows you to be in any situation and not be swayed into taking sides, judgment, or entanglement with lesser agendas. No matter how flattened, ragged, bereft, raw, heartbroken or exhausted you feel, your very presence makes a difference. You are needed to stabilise and anchor these profoundly extreme times and shifts.

These are the unavoidable Separation of Timeline pains as What Was disappears forever and What Is emerges in a totally different way, space, level and location:

put your own highest interests first - you have to save your own life before you can save anyone else

tend to your own ecology and turbo boost your immune system - sleep, hydration, diet, space, calm and nature bathing

create your unique combination of sanity tools - growth practices, journaling, reading, meditating, writing, gardening, online learning, teaching, coaching .... the list is endless

engage with this moment by consuming less and relating more

create sanctuary for yourself and be sanctuary for others

have more meaningful conversations and deeper heart connection

refuse to indulge in inner gaslighting and hold on to a big picture sense of perspective and proportion

learn the wisdom of no escape from the tests of faith, the crises of meaning and the jagged cracks in the illusion of permanence, as your defences and security systems crumble

resist trying to hold things together and allow them to fall apart to find the great opportunity in this crisis

get a taste of your vastness, your resilience and resourcefulness

This is a level of expansion your heart has never felt, your mind has never considered, and your body has never experienced.

Essential Resources:

Your Survive and Thrive Guide to the Chaos Nodes:2021-2025

Making Eclipses Work for You

The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives and Creatives

Your April 2022-2023 Personal Year Ahead Forecast:

All in the Shop at www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks