5D Blog

Something in form is finished and will disappear…….


Art by HipLatina

A reminder to reduce your agenda, increase your hydration and stay in you own lane in the seismic shock window of tomorrow’s Ring of Fire solar eclipse at 21° Libra.

Slicing across the USA, opposing the karmic Node of Fate conjunct Disruptor Eris, square Pluto, quincunx Uranus and Neptune, the geo-political stakes could hardly be higher.

Everything feels different - especially the approaching October eclipses. From being seen in 3D as a simple shut down and reboot, in 5D they act as sideways escalators taking you at warp speed into yet more dissonance. Just as our astrology has evolved in the 21st century with the discovery of 5D planets and centaurs, so has our understanding of the vastly expanded potential of eclipses.

As the deep space Evolutionary Burn intensifies non-stop, with each new wave knocking you down then sweeping you further away from the known, the eclipses are acting as Influxes on steroids, accelerating the process of changing consciousness and deleting the past as they go.

Update your inner map by re-framing eclipses as:

mechanisms that migrate you across time-lines + seed your new potential

energy punctuation/inflection points in time and space

vortexes that intensify the essence and qualities of the moment, when Chronos meets Chairos

tears and splits in the veil of linear time

reminders of impermanence - you “know” in your head that everything changes second by second but the sudden disappearance of the Light, the occulting, the overshadowing, the re-booting of what used to be your life, brings it home and make it starkly real. People leave, jobs end, passions fade, dreams disappear

As the eclipse dominos start to tumble, expect splits, breaks, schisms, fractures and permanent endings in relationships and contracts that have outlived their time. Let them go….

New! Get your Personal OCTOBER 2023-2024 Year Ahead Forecast which starts the date you order it in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Steve Monks