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Fire Starter Tools for the Journey: Your Survive+Thrive Guide to Uranus in Taurus 2019 – 2026

Fire Starter Tools for the Journey: Your Survive+Thrive Guide to Uranus in Taurus 2019 – 2026



Welcome to the Era of Conscious Collapse starting on March 7 2019 when transpersonal planet Uranus aka the Great Awakener enters Taurus until 2026 for the first time since 1934. The fabric of life, the status quo which you have been so used to for so long, suddenly shatters and falls apart or is disrupted in such a way that it can never be the same again, as reality check after reality check removes your support structures or turns them into unrecognisable and unstable forms.

It’s a time of huge transition. You’ll find that so many of the old healing modalities, tools and processes that you’ve always relied on, which got results in the past, are no longer working

The big question now is “How free am I when it comes to money?” Uranus in Taurus is about to show you where you feel trapped and not just you, but the rest of the 99%. Whatever freedom means to you will now be impossible to ignore whether it’s connected to your income, housing, or work.

This is potentially one of the most exciting, inspiring and creative times of your life but first you need to discover practical strategies  to leverage this disruptive energy to become financially independent

Uranus in Taurus Keywords
break down; breakthrough; lightning strikes; disruption; revolution; universal Mind; technology expansion; electricity; flashes of insight; innovation; originality; shock; humanitarian action; radicalism; extremism; liberation; separations; mind/body splits; alienation; climate extremes

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