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Your Body Is Taking You Along for the Ride - the signs of personal and collective physical embodiment

Your Body Is Taking You Along for the Ride - the signs of personal and collective physical embodiment


Are constantly wired yet tired? Wondering why your energy levels turn on and off in an instant?

Evolution can hurt physically and in every other way too. When wildly higher frequency evolutionary Light energies, energy Waves, increased solar photonic radiation, new codes, consciousness and DNA come into physical contact with a lower frequency physical human body with a matching frequency ego, it causes not only physical pain but psychological, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic pain too. Not only is your physical body being repeatedly affected by higher Light energies continually pushing Universal, personal and collective across the-cosmic-board evolution, but everything else is experiencing this too- cultures, societies, global belief systems, religious belief systems, financial systems and beliefs, political, governmental - but each time by higher and higher new frequency energies. 


Earth’s Magnetic Field Shift

The South Atlantic Anomaly

The Schumann Resonance-Earth’s Heartbeat

The Solar Cycle and Solar Flares

Extreme Climate Change

Your Body is Taking You Along for the Ride

Your Go Window + Go Offline Signal

Your Body is the Vector of your Enlightenment

How to Support Your Energy Field

Hi Lorna! Thanks for the Report- amongst one of your best- simply stellar! I had some huge aha moments from it! Especially about the water part!!!" Elke H, Canada.

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