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2021-2025: Your Survive and Thrive Guide to The Chaos Nodes

2021-2025: Your Survive and Thrive Guide to The Chaos Nodes


"The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world." Chinese Proverb.

Question: Are you wondering why so many of us are feeling all over the place - everything from disengaged to stuck to purposeless - despite the arrival of new Aquarian Era we were all anticipating so eagerly?

Answer: It’s because we are hitting turbulence in the Chaos Nodes - the intersection of multiple rare and historic energy cycles all at once - akin to the perfect storm. This is the transformation we asked for but didn’t expect. This is the permanent, irrevocable, no holds barred Re-Set we said we wanted but have resisted all the way.


All The Chaos Nodes Unpacked

Chaos Nodes as Energetic Sorting Devices.

Chaos Nodes as Cosmic Re-Cyclers

Chaos Nodes and Your Evolutionary Edge

Living With Complexity, Uncertainty and Entanglement

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