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Fire Starter Tools for the Journey: 10 NLP + New Paradigm Strategies - The Practical Code to Changing Your Life

Fire Starter Tools for the Journey: 10 NLP + New Paradigm Strategies - The Practical Code to Changing Your Life


Fire Starter Tools for the Journey: 10 NLP + New Paradigm Strategies – the practical code to change your life

Wouldn’t it put you at Cause, not at Effect :

if you experienced clarity, peace and freedom, even in the midst of challenging circumstances?

if you found a way to orient yourself in a turbulent world with no familiar signposts?

if you had the means to make change happen faster than you think and more easily than you can imagine?

if you had the tools to connect more deeply with the people you care about most and create rapport with people no matter what their view of the world?

What Evolutionary Astrology, Buddhism, NLP, the Three Principles, Psychosynthesis and Transpersonal Psychology all share is a revolutionary operating system that aligns you with your deep Self 24/7. If that sounds a bit esoteric for your current reality tunnel, think of it like an inner GPS – a factory installed, fully reliable guidance system with access to real-time data from somewhere beyond your inevitably limited perspective on things. Cultivating a deeper relationship with this inner sense of knowing is the single most powerful way of making better decisions, producing desired results, and navigating life with more ease and grace.

It helps to install and hold these 10 Strategies as true…. to find out exactly what they are and how they work, click on purchase
