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Turning Lifeshocks into Leverage

Turning Lifeshocks into Leverage


Sometimes it takes a Life Shock to nudge you into some serious personal evolution

Since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn, the pace of both personal and collective change and collapse has accelerated without pause for breath. It feels like living through 100 lifetimes in one. And since the January 2020 Saturn/Pluto once in 507 year conjunction, 1000 lifetimes all at once! Pluto’s passages create Life Shocks - events that shake your foundations. They surprise you. They blindside you. They command your attention. Some bounce off you while others strike deep into your being. They are moments in time that you did not want or expect, offering an opportunity for awakening. And they are collision points between life as you perceive it and life as it actually is. But once you realise that you have the power to turn Life Shocks into your own revolution, it is one of the most liberating insights you’ll ever have.

In 3D, you thought of life shocks as a setback in your efforts to evolve. But that’s not how evolution works. It‘s more like punctuated equilibrium - you stay quite stable until something radical happens. Then, in order to survive, you evolve very rapidly. Buy the Report for much more on:

How Evolution can hurt physically and in every other way too…

2020’s physicalised Time-line drop off…..

13 applicable tools to turn life shocks into your own personal revolution

“My heart is full as I tune into the potently tender ideas you share in your new offering to us… “Turning Life Shocks into Leverage”! Your capacity to perceive life through the movement of the stars is remarkable, and the guidance you offer with such keen sensitivity to helping us navigate the complexities of unavoidable emotions as we evolve is a heart-melting gift! God bless you in a thousand ways, Lorna!” Rick J, Austin, Texas.

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